Julia and I met when we were both members of the Denver Screenwriters back when I lived in Denver. She's an independent filmmaker, currently working on a documentary about the Yap Islands called MY ISLAND & ME. She and I co-wrote the latest draft of her feature screenplay. Titled SABOTEURS, it tells the story of three Colorado women who become environmental activists when an oil company threatens to destroy their homes.

Jennifer is another alumni of the now-defunct Denver Screenwriters. She's got a nifty and incredibly charming novel about an early 20th Century gal who becomes a police matron. The novel's called "The Secret Life of Anna Blanc" and you can click on the link above to pop over to her website or here to get to Anna Blanc's Pinterest page.

Shane is a former WWWF Grudge Match commentator. Since those humble beginnings he's become a science fiction writer whose stories have appeared in Analog magazine among other places. He's also been nominated for a Hugo award, which basically means Shane is the guy I want to be when I grow up.

Joe Weber (the real one)

As if its not tough enough getting my name out there as a screenwriter/novelist, I also have to contend with the fact that there already is a Joe Weber who happens to be a New York Times bestselling author and former fighter pilot who writes military thrillers. (Which means I have to remember to submit my work under the name Joseph Weber). If you came here looking for him, then I'm sorry to disappoint, but you can click on the link above to find him.

Other contributors

Most everything on the page is done by me right now. There's too many CSS Examples I plowed through to get a lot of stuff working, so I won't be able to credit all of them. The page does make use of the Arizonia font, copyright TypeSETit, LLC.